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Monday 19 August 2013

Calculated column to display month name from a date

I was having a requirement to display the month name from the selected date like January, February etc. I have created a calculated column and used a formula to display the month name.

Create a custom SharePoint list and a date column, a calculated column to it and other columns to it. For the demonstration purpose, I have created a list “Employee List”, with “Emp ID”, “Employee Name”, “Joining Date”, and “Month Calculated” columns. Here “Month Calculated” is the Calculated Column.

Above image shows the column details of "Employee List".

In the Calculated Column, use the following formula to get the month name from the “Joining Date” column.

=TEXT([Joining Date],"MMMM") -- To Display “January”, “February”, etc
=TEXT([Joining Date],"MMM") -- To Display “Jan”, “Feb”, etc

Above image shows the “Month Calculated” calculated column.

Once the columns added to the List, Add new items by clicking “New”.

After selecting the “Joining Date” Click ok. Now the calculated column will display the month name for the selected “Joining Date”.

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